Selasa, 28 Mei 2024

I'm On my way

This year's gone by a little faster

I'm think I'm a little bit taller

My shoes feel a little bit smaller

Look at all the friends i've made

These memories will never fade

I'm proud of me

And all that I can be

Whatch and you will see

I'm on my way

I'm kinder and smarter

I'm on my way

I'm braver and stronger

I'm on my way

Watch me be the best that i can be

I'm on my way

My brain is a little bit stronger

My hari is a little bit longer

My teacher's a little bit prouder

My heart beats a littler bit louder

Look at all the friends I've made

These memories will never fade

I am proud of me

And all that I can be

What and you will see

I'm on my way

I'm kinder and smarter

I'm on my way

I'm braver and stronger

I'm on my way

Watch me be the best that i can be

I'm on my way

Tersebut di atas itu adalah lirik lagu di perpisahan sekolahnya si mbak. 
Yang karena seringnya berlatih si adik jadi ikut ikutan pengen nyanyi. 
Terus mosok saya ora apal ... ?
"Dedek... mrene ayo kita nyanyi ....!!!"

Sohar, Oman
29 mei 2024
Simon Dinomo

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